Fellows spent two and a half days last week in Portland, Oregon for the 2016 Fall Fellowship Retreat. Along the way, they practiced public speaking, goal-setting, and envisioning leadership. They spoke candidly about foreseeable challenges during their fellowships and connected with each other to brainstorm solutions and strategies.
The retreat opened with a powerful training on trauma-informed care facilitated by Rachel Parker, a Club Director for Boys & Girls Clubs of Portland. Rachel wove Nadine Burke Harris' evidence-based TED talk with statistics, demonstrations, and personal stories from her various professional experiences. Fellows agreed that this was possibly the most impactful session during the retreat.
Fellows walked away from the ACEs training with an informed sense of urgency to apply a trauma lens to the work they do with youth and to share the information with people in their lives.
Fellows, Rina and Emma collecting litter along the shore
FLIA staff, Kayla sharing background information on SOLVE and the importance of collecting even the smallest pieces of trash #microlitter
Fellows, Tara, Rina, and Emma with, Executive Director, Kirsten Abel
On the second morning of the retreat, fellows had the opportunity to engage in a small act of community service together through a local nonprofit, SOLVE, with a beach clean-up at Kelley Point Park.
They spent time presenting their project plans and background information of their partner organizations to the group. They also participated in a series of mini professional development workshops, from S.M.A.R.T. goal setting to nonprofit storytelling and barriers in the professional world.
Throughout the retreat, fellows and staff discussed what makes a leader and reflected upon their own professional journeys and experiences. The retreat helped instill a sense of drive and supportive community among the fellows.